Thursday 7 August 2014

WIP Re-sculpting

Just thought I'd share some current work-in-progresses I've had on the re-sculpting bench the last few days ...

The Stablemate Belgian is having it's face re-done to have a slightly open mouth, larger nostrils, more detailed muscle structure, and ears flicked back. I'm still unsure about giving them a sculpted mane and tail, or getting them haired. They'll then have a rod to get their lifted hind leg off the ground, and maybe the raised foreleg slightly more outstretched. The Classic's AQH foal has had his hind leg outstretched more and the start of some neck wrinkles added. I need to finish the wrinkles on the neck, and add them on the chest and legs, and maybe put some work into the face. The Stablemate Jumper has had his mane and tail removed and his back legs repositioned. He still needs his front legs re-made and a lot of detailing. He'll be on an acrylic rod over a cross country fence.The new Stablemate AQH is nearly finished and has had her neck repositioned, mane redone, and feathers added, as well as skin details and wrinkles.

Also, this is my new arrival onto the desk, the Breyer Weather Girl, Sunny. I'm not really settled on what to do with her, there's really so much choice! Raise the head and neck, alert and interested in her surroundings? Stretch her out more and have her snaking, ears pinned and teeth bared? Tuck in her head as a riding horse? Twist her neck and headset so she's looking about? And then there's the choice of keeping the hair, resculpting the hair, or getting her haired? I don't know at all! And she's missing a foreleg below the knee, so that'll need to be replaced. Though I really am loving this sculpt ..

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